Kapiri district is significant for the railway connection between Zambia Railways line from Copperbelt province- Kitwe to Lusaka and Livingstone and Western terminal known as the New Kapiri Terminal of the Tanzania Zambia Railway Authority from Dar es Salaam since 1976.

Kapiri Mposhi district is located 208 kilometres from Lusaka the capital city of Zambia. The district has an
area of 17,219 square kilometres and lies between longitude 28° 40' 59.99" East and latitude 13° 57' 59.99" South at an average altitude of 1300m. Kapiri Mposhi shares boundaries with the Copperbelt Province and with districts namely, Kabwe to the South, Chisamba to the Southeast, Luano on the East and Mkushi on the North-East.

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