The Local Government Association of Zambia was founded in 1947 as a voluntary membership organisation, then under the name, Local Government Association of Northern Rhodesia which later changed to Municipal Association of Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) and Nyasaland (Malawi) in 1953.
This was the case since the two countries were part of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland comprising Northern Rhodesia (Zambia), Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and Nyasaland (Malawi). The Association was formed as the mouthpiece for local government authorities in the two countries. The name changed to Local Government Association of Zambia in 1964 upon Zambia attaining political independence.
Total People living
in Zambia
Square kilometres
region covers
Zambia's literacy rate with illiteracy much more pronounced in females than males
Number of
Average Cost of livinglower than the USA
LGAZ is a non-profit making organization registered under the Societies Act, Cap. 119 of The Laws of Zambia.
"A Strong National Voice and Advocate for Local Government”
To protect and promote the interests and autonomy of local authorities in Zambia
To promote the interests and autonomy of local government authorities in Zambia
To organize seminars, workshops or courses on local government; To organize conferences and meetings.
Client Centeredness, Participatory, Working in Partnerships, Committed to Quality Performance, Unity in Diversity.
Membership of the Association is open to those who subscribe to the fundamental principles of democratic local self-government.
This is open, upon application, to all categories of local authorities in Zambia, concerned with the management.
This is open, upon application, entities involved with local government affairs, provided they have common objectives with the association.
This is extended to persons who have rendered distinguished and conspicuous public service.
The governing bodies of the Association are the Annual Conference, the Executive Committee, Provincial Committees and the Presidency.
Is the supreme policy making organ of the Association comprising the President, Vice Presidents, Honorary Treasurer, Provincial Coordinators and representatives from all the local authorities.
Ensures implementation of the objectives, policies and decisions of LGAZ generally as directed by the Annual Conference.
comprises the President, Provincial Vice Presidents and Honorary Treasurer. The Presidency makes policy decisions between meetings of the Annual Conference.
exercises powers assigned to it by the Annual Conference through the Executive Committee and deals with matters necessary in the smooth running of the Association at provincial level. Members.
The Annual Conference, Executive Committee and the Presidency are serviced by a full time secretariat comprising the Executive Secretary/CEO, Programme Officer, Information Officer, Finance and Accounts Officer.
Being a member of the Association has the following benefits: Belonging to a countrywide network which is giving a voice and visibility to local government in Zambia; Having an opportunity to influence.
The Association derives its finances from membership fees, income from activities, grants, donations, loans etc. The fiscal year of the Association is January 1st to December 31st. The Executive Committee appoints.
The Association has established relations, links and networks with international organisations that pursue similar goals and objectives in developing and strengthening local self-government.