In response to a request from His Excellency Mr. Hakainde Hichilema President of Zambia, of November 18, 2021, an International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission undertook a governance diagnostic assessment from January 14 to May 6, 2022. The mission was led by Ms. Tina Burjaliani and was comprised of Mr. Enrique Rojas Ms. Nino Tchelishvili, Mr. Nate Vernon, Mr. Elie Chamoun, Mr. Riaan van Greuning, Ms. Aldona Jociene, Mr. Ron Snipeliski, Ms. Luisa Malcherek, Mr. Hans Weenink. The mission was assisted by a short-term expert Ms. Marja Hinfelaar. The mission met with the President of Zambia, advisors of the President, Members of the Parliament, the Bank of Zambia Governor, Deputy Governor and officials, officials from the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development, Office of Auditor General, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Zambia Revenue Administration, Zambia Procurement Agency, Anti-Corruption Commission, Judiciary, Financial Intelligence Center, Drug Enforcement Commission, Industrial Development Corporation and Chamber of Industry and Commerce. The mission also met with members of civil society and international partners working on governance and anti-corruption issues.

The mission wishes to express its sincere appreciation for the excellent support and cooperation given by officials and staff of these various agencies. The mission is also grateful to civil society and staff of international partners for sharing information and providing valuable insights. The mission appreciates the support provided by Ms. Allison Holland, (IMF Mission Chief for Zambia), Ms. Preya Sharma (IMF Resident Representative in Zambia), Mr. Slavi Slavov (Senior Economist and other IMF staff. The mission is thankful for the administrative assistance provided by Ms. Alexandra Rajs.

The report is based on information collected in January – June 2022. The mission notes that several reform initiatives were launched or advanced by the authorities of Zambia after June 2022, including the adoption of the new Bank of Zambia Act in August 2022. The mission team reflected the new initiatives in the GDA report, to the greatest extent possible.

Technical Assistance Report — Governance and Anti-Corruption Assessment
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Technical Assistance Report — Governance and Anti-Corruption Assessment


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