Chongwe Mayor, Councillor Christopher Habeenzu, who is also Local Government Association of Zambia (LGAZ) Vice President for Lusaka Province on 28th February, 2023 officiated at the training of Gender Focal Points drawn from 50 local authorities across the country. The training was being conducted by LGAZ in collaboration with Chalimbana Local Government Training Institute in Chongwe. This is one of the capacity building trainings under the Partnerships for Municipal Innovation – Women in Local Leadership (PMI-WILL) project which is being implemented by LGAZ in partnership with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) with financial support from the Canadian government.
The Gender Focal Points consist of Socio-Economic Planners (SEPs) as well as District HIV/AIDS Coordination Advisors (DACAs) and Community Development Officers in some local authorities. The training aims to equip participants with theoretical and practical knowledge to mainstream of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) in local governance and service delivery. Present during these trainings are PMI-WILL Project Director Mrs. Mary Heather White and LGAZ Executive Director Ms. Mpatanji Namumba. The training will be conducted in two phases each with 25 participants between 28th February and 7th March, 2023.
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