On Monday, 10 March 2025, the Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF) launched its 30th Anniversary celebrations on Commonwealth Day under the theme “Together We Thrive.” The Local Government Association of Zambia (LGAZ) joins CLGF in celebrating our strong and enduring partnership recognizing the profound impact the collaboration has had on strengthening local governance, democracy, and service delivery across the Commonwealth and Zambia in particular.
v Three Decades of Transforming Local Government
Since its establishment in 1995, CLGF has been a steadfast advocate for local governments, ensuring that cities and municipalities across the Commonwealth have the necessary support to function effectively. LGAZ has been a member of CLGF from inception. Further, the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD) is a member of CLGF. As an active and committed member, LGAZ has witnessed firsthand the tremendous strides CLGF has made in advancing decentralization, promoting local democracy, and fostering sustainable local economic development.
v Promotion of Local Economic Development
LGAZ takes pride in the milestonesachieved through our collaboration with CLGF, particularly in advancing local governance in Zambia. Between 2014 and 2016, CLGF with financial support fromthe UK Department for International Development (DFID) then, now Foreign Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO) supported Zambia to develop LocalEconomic Development (LED) Guidelines for Local Authorities. The guidelineswere launched by the Ministry of Local Government in 2018 to provide step bystep guidance on how to develop and implement LED strategies at the locallevel.
v A Fruitful Partnership:Driving Local Government Development in Zambia
Our collaboration with CLGFhas been instrumental in implementing transformative projects that have contributedto the country’s efforts to strengthen the capacity of local authorities.Through the European Union-funded Enhancing Local Government Capacity forDevelopment (ELGCD) Project implemented between 2018 and 2021, CLGFcollaborated with LGAZ and the Ministry of Local Government to enhance localgovernance for effective, efficient and inclusive service delivery in Zambiathrough three thematic areas:
i. improvedleadership, institutional and operational capacities of local authorities forenhanced local governance.
ii. enhancedcapacity of local authorities to plan and implement inclusive service deliveryand promote local economic development.
iii. increasedcapacity for LGAZ to represent and support the local government sector in thedecentralisation process in Zambia.
Throughthis collaboration, local authorities have been able to bring out their utmostpotential in managing their respective localities and being more responsive tothe needs of their communities.
v Championing Women’sParticipation in Local Governance
LGAZ is committed to advancing gender andinclusion in local governance, a vision strongly aligned with CLGF’s efforts topromote women’s empowerment. Through our engagement in CLGF’s regionaldissemination workshop, we actively contributed to conversations on increasingwomen’s political and economic participation in Southern Africa. Thisinitiative was part of the “Connecting the Dots: Local Actions for WomenPolitical and Economic Empowerment” project, implemented between October2019 and September 2021 in Zambia, Eswatini, Lesotho, and Zimbabwe, withfunding from the FCDO amounting to £1,000,000.
This project yielded invaluableinsights, demonstrating that working with key stakeholders such as LocalGovernment Associations (LGAs) and government ministries is essential to addressinstitutional barriers to gender equality and inclusion. The establishment ofWomen’s Networks within LGAs and local governments has provided a sustainableplatform for advocacy, mentorship, and capacity-building, equipping women withthe confidence and knowledge to take on leadership roles.
v Post-COVID Recovery:Strengthening Resilience
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic,local governments have had to adapt to new challenges and find innovative waysto ensure sustainable service delivery. In 2021, LGAZ was honoured toparticipate in a two-day conference organized by CLGF in collaboration with theSouth African Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs(COGTA) and the South African Local Government Association (SALGA). Thisplatform provided an opportunity for peer learning on how local governments canbuild resilience and lead recovery efforts in their respective communities.
v Governance of CLGF
Another significant highlight of theZambia/CLGF partnership was the election of Zambia’s Minister of LocalGovernment and Rural Development, Honourable Gary Nkombo, to the CLGF Board inNovember 2023. This development underscores Zambia’s growing leadership inCommonwealth local government affairs and reinforces our commitment tostrengthening local government structures in Zambia and across the commonwealth.
v Looking Ahead
As CLGF embarks on its 30th Anniversarycelebrations, LGAZ looks forward to deepening its collaboration with the Forumto drive impactful change in Zambia’s local governance landscape. Our futureengagements will focus on critical areas such as local economic development,climate resilience, gender mainstreaming, and governance capacity-building.
Throughout this anniversary year, CLGFwill celebrate its achievements through various activities, including a specialpublication, case studies, and showcasing impactful local governmentinitiatives across the Commonwealth. As LGAZ, we stand proudly alongside CLGFin commemorating these milestones and reaffirm our commitment to strengtheninglocal governance in fostering local development in Zambia and beyond.
Further, we anticipate continuedcollaboration, particularly on the Lobito Corridor Project, aimedat enabling local authorities to leverage economic opportunities and drivelocal economic development in their districts.
Happy 30th Anniversary CLGF!